A Fusion of Strengths
As we sought Wisdom and Strength, and new idea came up; what if we consolidate two of our homes into one?

Hello From Post Falls!
This field is in constant flux. We recognize the need to adapt and remain flexible as change is everywhere…

Getting Ready for Summer!
School is almost out for the Summer! Here at the Source that means we have lots of programming activities and outings planned for our residents.

Focus on Malawi.
A team of 4 spent two weeks seving alongside our Malawi staff. Read more about the community development happening there!

Cultural Values: Honor
Showing honor to one another is a part of living out of the belief that everyone carries intrinsic value. This belief is a fundamental part of our culture and identity as an organization. With a focus to build up our team we are highlighting this value with posters for each youth home, stickers for staff to pass out (when they observe someone showing honor) and activity based programming that helps illustrate what honor and respect look like for each of our residents.

Our Autumn Newsletter
It was a joy to send a team of ten poeple to serve in Malawi for 2 weeks. We met up with our Source Malawi Director and staff and joined in their efforts to bring food, supplies, love and laughter into the neighboring regions of Lilongwe.

The Heart of Our Culture
Culture is important. It is deeply influencial. It effects everything we do, but we are often unaware of the details of our own culture and how it spreads to others. .

Summer Projects
After months of fundraising, the basketball court at Birch Meadows is a reality! Thanks to everyone who donated to this cause! Also, check out highlights from our staff training day and BBQ.

Creating Culture
Creating culture is a slow but beautiful process. We have to first recognize that each of our residents come in with their own set of cultural norms and values. Each of our staff also have their own culture. Making space for each person to be where they are at is part of the process as well, but the real growth happens when we work together to build an inclusive culture within each of our youth homes.

Progress & Patience
There is a tension between celebrating progress while practicing patience when things move more slowly than we might want. We work to keep the homes staffed with good employees in the midst of the ebb & flow of this career path.

New Challenges & New Victories!
What a privilege to share this work with people who can shoulder the heavy stuff and make you laugh at the same time!

March 2023 Newsletter
We have enjoyed a month of building community connections through the FUSE job fair, fundraising campaigns, and Business 2 Business meetings with HRC Ministries.

The Power of Love
Our aim is to love without conditions; to show people that they carry value, and that we recognize it. As a team we are growing in how we show this to each other, and how we show this to our residents. Whether their behavior earns our respect or trust, they are still valuable; they still need to be loved…

Growth for Today & Hope for Tomorrow
Growth is happening on our land in Malawi! The team faithfully tends the maize crop, and we are reminded of the internal growth that is happening within each one of us. The residents are learning how to interact socially with their house-mates & staff, our Source Spokane team is growing in communication, adaptability, and resilient hope, and even the areas of influence we have are expanding…

We are Thankful!
We are amazed at the kindness and resilience of our staff team as well. These people have shown our kids incredible care and patience. We truly have so much to be thankful for!
Special Edition: The Source Malawi
It is amazing how God connects His people and knits their hearts to specific passions and purposes. Despite the thousands of miles between Spokane, Washington and the country of Malawi, God has woven our stories!

Cultivating a Culture of Honor
The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.
— Mahatma Gandhi,