The Source Malawi
Our source of help and provision ultimately comes from our loving Creator. It is our desire to shine His love by ministering to the tangible needs of His children. We believe that our opportunities and resources should be used to help those with less opportunities and resources. It is for this purpose that the Source Malawi was started in 2016.

With headquarters near Lilongwe, we carry ‘the warm heart of Africa’ with us in all that we do. Originally started to care for children without families or homes, The Source Malawi has provided housing for our Source Malawi team memebers and local foster children. We have become a center for community development, working alongside pastors and villages churches across the country. We have also started children’s programs for two villages that include providing a hearty meal and stories, games and songs that remind them of their value in God’s eyes, and His perfect love.
We have also raised funds for bore holes (clean water wells with handpumps) to be drilled in several villages, solving the issue of certain sicknesses in those locations. We have brought supplies such as maize flour, Bibles, shoes & clothes, blankets, and even fun items for the kids (like soccer balls, frisbees and jump ropes). Teams from the USA have taken part in this work and learned much from the local culture about resourcefulness and gratitude.

Community Development
In 2022 we purchased 4 acres near Chimbo wa Mwale village. This land has since been used to grow maize which was harvested and shared within our team, and also with the villages surrounding. In 2023 we finished building our first house (top photo). Pastor John Ng’oma, our Source Malawi Director, moved in with his family, which include their foster children. From this location, John has continued to pastor and bring help to nearby villages. In 2024 we have started to built our 2nd house on the Source Malawi land (bottom photo). Pastor Mika Kayusa, (who also volunteers alongside John in the Holy Ghost Christian Church-planting network), is moving in with his wife Lucy and their 5 children (two of which are also fostered.) These two families carry the heart of God described in Psalms 68:6 God places the lonely in families. Their love and care have enabled these children to belong to a family and receive the food, clothing, and education that every person is entitled to.
Meet the Team
Pastor John Ng'oma & Pastor Mika Kayusa
These two men run our orphan homes together with their lovely wives. They also maintian the connections with loval villages through teaching, bringing supplies and running the feeding programs.
The Ng'oma Household
The Source Malawi Orphan Home #1
Left to Right; Milicah Deborah, Mphatso, Eddah, Joel, John, Richard, Joab and Praise.
The Kayusa Household
The Source Malawi Orphan Home #2
Left to right; Jessy, Grace, Koreta, Joshua Mika, Shalom & Lucy.
Chimbo wa Mwale Children's Program
Henry & Raphael started this 2nd Children’s program in Chimbo wa Mwale village. They are teaching and feeding 120+ kids from the villages nearby.
Eddah Ng'oma
Mother to 6 children, Eddah is caring and nurtu,ing to many children beyond her household. She is a terrific cook, and a very talented singer who is active in her church.
Lucy Kayusa
Mother to the Kayusa Household, Luy is sweet and gentle. She also sings in the church choir and helps run the feeding programs in Area 36 and Chimbo wa Mwale.
Raphael & Esther
This coupe also serve as part of the Source Malawi, helping run feeding programs, translating for our teams, and caring for chidren.
Area 36
This is our longest running Children’s Program, started in 2018. Our team hosts 60-100 kids every Saturday from 9am-12pm. They sing songs, learn dances, and listen to stories about Jesus an His great lovefor them. our team also prepares a meal for them to enjoy!
Richard is the oldest son in the Ng’oma family. Heis 17 years old, loves dancing. soccer, and eating rice. He enjoys science and hopes to one day run his own company. Richard has helped our teams as a translator, and leads he dance group at his church.
Joel and his twin are the youngest of our Source Malawi kids. Though he is only 4 years old, he has big plans to be a doctor someday!
At 14 years old, Mphatso is an athletic and creative young man. He has been part of the Ng’oma fHmily since 2018. He, too, says rice is his favorite food! He enjoys soccer and reading. He plans to someday become a soldier.
Joab’s favorite food is pizza and he loves drining tea. He loe to play with cars.
Deborah is 15 years old and enjoys many classes in school, including Social Studies/ LifeSkills, English, Geography and Chichewa. She hopes to become a journalist.
12 year old Joshua is the oldest son in the Kayusa family, He is part of the church dance group led by Richard, and is doing a sperb job!
At 5 years old, Shalom s the youngest in the Kayusa family. He enjoys eating baboa fruit!
Milicah is almst 10 years old and also enjoys her studies at school, particularly Expressive Arts, Bible knowledge, and Social Studies. She would like to become pediatrician when she grows up.
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Luke 3:10-11: “‘What should we do then?’ the crowd asked. John answered, ‘Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.’”
Ongoing Work in Malawi
As we look to the future, we desire to develop sustainable agriculture and animal farming, deeper connections within the community, and opportunities to provide training for skilled trade, family & marriage health, and leadership.
Our current focus is on village outreach, animal husbandry and farming. We are working toward completion of the houses, a solar-run water system, and expanding our animal farm, (which currently consists of 15+ free range chickens).
It is with great humility and gratitude that we have received support from several local churches in Washington State. Their heart for all nations, and passion to share their resources, has enabled us to continue the work in Malawi, and look forward to all the possibilities ahead.
Pastor John & the Ng'oma Family
Pastor Mika & the Kayusa Family