Expanding our Impact & Influence


In spring of 2020 the vision for a fourth Source home was launched. Finding rentals for our program is difficult due to the nature of our kids that have behavioral struggles, so we decided that owning our own property was best.

It has been many months of hard work from our building crew, but construction is finishing up early this month!

The next few steps are crucial; getting the licensing process finished, finding the right staff team for this home, and accessing the resources needed to purchase all the necessary household items.

Please pray for these processes to go smoothly and efficiently. Pray for the right staff for this home, and of course, join us in praying for the kids who will be living in Birch Meadows, that they will transition well and receive kindness & care with open arms.


Our girl’s home was established one year ago and has experienced such success that it is currently expanding to include another resident! The love & patience that has been practiced by our staff has transcended the challenges faced and made a beautiful impact. Fun & joy have come to Grace House and we thank God for His grace that has been poured out to all.


Pastor John Ng’oma sends his warmest ‘zikomo kwambiri’ (thank you very much) as well as the news of further expansion of the Ministry there in Africa.

The feeding program is growing and is beginning to ministry to many of the parents who bring their children.

Maize seed distribution is one of the other ways they pour into the villages of Mankhangala, Kwachaa and Mtakataka, where a new church is also under construction. They also provided many farmers with much needed fertilizer and this gift has opened the hearts of the people to the gospel. Truly God can use ANYTHING for His glory!

A new church has also been opened in Likuni where 8 families are in attendance. They have been partnering with Holy Ghost Christian Church as well and have seen the Lord working in the community through this outlet.

Looking to the future the hope is to further expand by starting a farm where they can grow maize and have animals that would further benefit the community.

There is also a need for transportation. Without a good reliable vehicle they are limited in the scope of their reach to support the people in surrounding areas. Please pray that the Lord provides for both a vehicle, and opens a way for purchasing land for the farm.


Each of our Source Homes have unique names; River Bluff and Hilltop are our boy’s homes, Grace House is our girl’s home & Birch Meadows is our newest house set among (you guessed it) birch trees.

The Hill Top and River Bluff boys have been volunteering their time over the weekends at Higher Grounds Animal Sanctuary in North Spokane. It has been a great experience for them to serve and help care for God’s creation, and they have enjoyed making new friends of all shapes and sizes!

Higher Ground Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit with the mission to rescue homeless animals or animals in need, to offer a place of refuge to peacefully live out their lives, and to share our work and the animal's stories to create opportunities for Humane Education - thus resulting in a greater rescue culture.

Check them out at https://www.highergroundanimalsanctuary.org/


Whitney is our program manager at Grace house. She first encountered The Source through Higher Ground Animal Sanctuary when our team was there volunteering. She says she fell in love with the Source because of how well they took care of their kids.

“One of my very first days (working at The Source) we went frog hunting, and it was magical. I love the feeling of connectedness and family. I like that I like my coworkers. I've worked a lot of places that people just come and punch a clock and go home. I like that a lot of my coworkers are invested in these kids. I have coworkers who take time out of their personal lives to go to these kids’ concerts or basketball games. They play Legos and go frog hunting. We’re a weird little family, and the people here genuinely care about each other and the kids.”

“What I've learned (and it’s really hard for me to remember sometimes) is that it's not all on my shoulders… That I have a whole team who can and will step in so I don't have to run it alone. “

We are deeply grateful for Whitney, her heart to invest in the lives of the kids, her diligence, and her genuine desire to be a strength for the vulnerable and needy around her. Thank you for all that you do!

Each monthly newsletter will feature another member of our incredible staff team.


• Pray for all our staff to be strengthened and encouraged as they pour out to these the kids they are caring for.

• Pray for staff and supplies to be provided for Birch Meadow’s opening this month.

• Prayer for the newest young people who are joining us both in Grace House and Birch Meadows, that their transition would go well, and their lives would be impacted for good.

• Pray for The Source Malawi to receive provisions, strength, wisdom and energy for the work they are engaged in.

• We have many new hires coming on board. Pray that they would fit in well and carry the heart and culture of radical love in the face of every challenge.

• Pray for more open doors of opportunity for us to further connect with the kids in our homes, as well as the surrounding communities. We have a vision to network with other organizations and ministries around the greater Spokane area, as well as across State borders. Pray for wisdom and strategies as we reach out with a desire to grow the Kingdom of God.


Growing Resilience