Youth We serve

According to Spokane County Juvenile Court statistics in the year 2019, 1331 youth were referred to Juvenile court for criminal offense. 772 referrals for Diversion, 438 youth on probation, and 1268 booked into detention.

In addition, there are approximately 580 teens in Spokane County’s foster care system.

The Source purposefully targets these demographics. The young people we serve are in need of guidance, resources, and positive role models. Over the past three years the occurrence of juvenile crime has barely nudged down.

Consequently, we believe that further intervention is necessary in order to improve this statistic.

We have targeted these young people quite simply because they have a future in our community, but that future can become either a negative or a positive. We believe that each one has intrinsic value. Young offenders, high school dropouts, and foster care youth, often shunned by society, and always on society’s fringe, are in desperate need of acceptance, help and love. It is our conviction that we must do something and let them know that there are people who care and are willing to help.

As our organization grows, we will increase the number of youth we serve. The majority will fall into several categories.

These categories can be further identified as follows:

  • Low risk/ first time offenders

  • Medium risk/ two or more misdemeanor offenses, dropped out of high school, or in the foster care system.

  • High risk/ felony offenses in and out of detention, current runaway in foster care.

Each young life within these categories requires compassion and assistance in order to break barriers that keep them from receiving help and ultimately succeeding. Thus, our program is tailored to accommodate diverse needs. We accept them for who they are, hoping that in return they will welcome our assistance and make an effort to break free from their current oppressive circumstances.